Whether you’re in your twenties, thirties, forties or even
nineties, you can still amp up your sex appeal! Learn how to
stay sexy with these tips.
There is a ridiculous belief that the older a woman gets, the
less sexy or desirable she becomes. Whoever said that
certainly does not know anything about women. Sure, perky
tits and a bubble butt are certainly very attractive, but what
truly makes a woman sexy? It’s not just her looks that make
her sexy, but her attitude and her brains also play a vital role.
50-year-old Italian actress Monica Bellucci who boasts a full
figure and an impressively intelligent filmography is far sexier
than the 21-year-old half naked scarecrow known to the
masses as Miley Cyrus. So what does that tell you about
sexiness and age?
15 ways to become sexy at any age
Even though you may not be blessed with the perfect
hourglass figure or a naturally seductive vibe, there are still
things you can do to increase your sex appeal!
1 Act confident. The saying, “confidence is key” certainly
goes a long way. If you truly believe that you are wonderful
and sexy, anyone you come into contact with will believe it,
too. Confidence greatly affects the way people see you, as it
reinforces the traits you believe you have. So when you go
out there, strut your stuff and show people just how sexy you
think you are.
2 Go au naturel. This is not the eighties. Big hair, over-the-
top outfits, garish makeup, sequins and flares aren’t exactly
the trendiest looks of today. Right now, everyone seems to
be trending towards the “less is more” belief and the same
can be said for one’s appearance. Be natural without
seeming sloppy. There is no need for a ton of makeup and
accessories to look attractive.
3 Practice good hygiene. This tip is directly related to the
one above. Although being natural is a huge plus, do not be
too natural. Practice good hygiene, scrub behind your ears,
put on deodorant, spritz on some perfume and make an
effort to be clean and neat.
No one wants a girl with badly bitten fingernails, greasy hair
or calloused heels. Someone who smells good and gives off
a clean air is certainly a lot sexier than someone who doesn’t
bother with their hygiene.
4 Make a not-so-obvious effort. Whether it is swinging by
the grocery store for five minutes or heading out for a day
filled with back to back meetings, make an effort when it
comes to your appearance, just don’t go over the top.
Brush your hair, adjust your panty hose, chew on gum for
fresh breath, pluck your eyebrows, iron out those crinkles on
your shirt, wear contacts instead of dowdy glasses, and put
some effort into dressing smartly and for the occasion. First
impressions mean everything and a simple once over is more
than enough to tell someone whether you care about your
5 Try a new look. If you’re looking to tune up the sexiness,
then you should definitely treat yourself to a brand new look.
Like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, you’ll be surprised
at how much positive change can be brought about with a
couple of subtle changes.
Start with something simple like changing your hairstyle.
Whether it is chopping off your locks and opting for
something edgy or getting a brand new color and cut, spruce
up you look by spicing up your hair. If you are someone who
does not usually indulge in makeup, head over to specialty
makeup stores like MAC or Sephora and get one of their
professionals to give you a makeover.
Learn how to match and apply colors according to your skin
tone and take home a brand new makeup set that you can
play around with. Although less is more, there is no harm in
using makeup to accentuate and bring out the sexiness in
6 Spice up your wardrobe. New clothes will certainly mean
a sexy new you if you opt for a brand new style. Don’t be
afraid to play around with unfamiliar colors, fabrics and
styles. If fashion is not your forte, bring a friend with you and
get a second opinion.
If you are able to, engage the services of a personal shopper.
If you can’t afford a brand new wardrobe, settle for several
new pieces that you can mix and match with your existing
clothes. Slowly build your closet up this way and start purging
it of stuff that does not flatter your new look.
7 Accentuate your assets. If you have great legs, then show
them off. If you think your tits are fabulous, then flaunt them.
If you have lovely eyes, accentuate them. There is no shame
in showing off what you have. You should be proud of your
sexy assets and showing them off is a surefire way to get
heads turning wherever you go.
8 Get active. A fit body is a surefire way to make you look
and feel sexy. If you want a great body, take the healthy
route and incorporate exercise into your everyday routine.
Even if you are already happy with the way you physically
look, there is no harm in incorporating some physical activity
in your life. Not only will exercise help tone what you already
have, it will also help you feel great on the inside, not to
mention give you a boost of happiness and confidence.
9 Be interesting. Being sexy is not just about looking great.
What comes out of your mouth counts for plenty, too. No one
wants to spend time with airheads who have nothing of value
to say. As materialistic as you think the world is, people tend
to put a higher value on personality and compatibility than
anything else when seeking a mate. Get a hobby or become
passionate in an activity, and you’re sure to have something
of value to add to a conversation.
10 Keep it classy. How you behave will dictate the sort of
person you attract. If you behave like an MTV skank, you will
attract likeminded mates. If you keep thing classy, you will
find that the people attracted to you are far more satisfying
and appealing. Channel your inner Audrey Hepburn and Grace
Kelly and you will be just fine. These classy dames were the
brunt of every woman’s envy and the subject of every man’s
lustful fantasies.
11 Smile. Sometimes all you need to show off your beauty
and sex appeal is to smile. At the end of the day, a smile is
equivalent to a thousand conversations and can draw a
person to you like a moth to a flame. Whether you prefer to
throw scintillating and flirtatious half smiles at your crush
from across the other side of the room or flashing an open
come-get-me smile, never underestimate the power that a
sexy smile can offer you.
12 Masturbate. Yes, masturbate. If you are not getting
much action, keep yourself in the game by masturbating
whenever you can. Whether you make use of toys or keep it
simple with your fingers, the power of an orgasm will have
you feeling sexy no matter what. Not just that, you skin will
shine from the flush of hormones and you will get a rosy
glow to your complexion.
13 Flirt. If you’re taken, flirt with your partner. If you’re
single, the world is your oyster! Whether it is engaging in
conversation with someone at a book fair, or batting eyes
with the bartender after a couple of cocktails with the girls,
there is no harm in exuding a sexy vibe to make you feel
even more sexy. Harmless flirting won’t hurt anyone, and it
might even boost the ego of the person you’re flirting with.
14 Go to Brazil. No, I don’t mean jumping on an airplane
and indulging in sun, sea, sand and sex in this renown Latin
American haven. Rather, this form of going to Brazil can be
done at almost every waxing salon in town. That’s right. Go
get yourself a Brazilian wax, especially if you’ve never gotten
one before. No matter your age, there is no harm in feeling
and looking sexy down there. Even if no one can tell, you will
be shocked at how brazen and sexy you will feel after you
strip yourself of your own personal Amazon.
15 Learn some sexy new skills. Whether or not you intend
to do this in the bedroom, learning a couple of sexy tricks
might come in handy in the future. Whether it’s going to pole
dancing classes or reading about mind blowing blowjob
techniques, the mere fact that you have this info in your head
can be enough to make you feel sexy.
Feeling sexy is a matter of being comfortable in your own
skin while still getting a couple of admiring glances from
those around you. Whether you’re a young woman exploring
the world or a grandmother of twenty kids, these tips can
show you that you still have it in you to exude some sex
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