Saturday, 5 January 2019

MFM JANUARY 2019 PMCH | Read Mysterious Things said By Dr D.K Olukoya

MFM Power Must Change Hands Programme
January 2019 Edition

Date 5th January; 2019

Topic: When Deep Deliverance is Needed

Anchored Scriptures: Job 12:22; Daniel 2:22
Ministering: Dr. D. K. Olukoya (G.O, MFM Worldwide)


This passage is telling us that there are certain things about life that are deep. Certain problems are deep, certain afflictions are deep, certain problems are surface in nature. Like I said last week, that when you see problems as Christians, the first thing needed to be visualized is tree. A tree has stem, it has leaves, branches and fruit. When you battle all this things and you ignore the root, the problems will come back. When you work on the root, you obtain deep deliverance. The problem of most of our problems is either you didn’t deal with the root. Deep problems need deep prayers, strange problems need strange prayers, wicked problems need wicked prayers. Whether you are here, and you’re once told that when you’re born again and there is no more problem, you’re a celebrated joker. Your salvation does not exempt you from the battle of life.

Until so many understand the mystery of deep deliverance and prayers; one may suffer from cradle to the grave. Spiritual speaking, old things are passed away. We are saying spiritually thinking because old things are passed away, physically his face, color, bank account hasn’t changed. That physical entity needs to be disciplined to be in tune with the spirit. Is it possible to be a true Christians and still be suffering from a curse? The answer is yes. The fact that you’re a true Christian, doesn’t make deliverance automatic. Being spiritually united to Jesus, does not mean you’ll not have battle to fight. It’s like blaming the soap makers because you saw someone who’s dirty. The truth is this, the devil has no free gift for anyone. Do not think your forgetfulness or ignorance doesn’t make the devil take those things seriously.

Some turn those scriptures upside, and because of them; they become a big barrel of demons. Satan keeps record. You don’t lose your inheritance from your parent because you’re born again. Doctors who don’t hold Bible always ask questions like is there any one in your family with this kind of sickness? I’m not into farming but I know one thing: you cannot plant seed on a concrete. Any concrete planted by the enemy to stop the termination of your miracle, shall be broken to pieces in Jesus name!
There is vain deliverance, there is partial deliverance, there is temporary deliverance, there is fake deliverance, there is emotional deliverance, there is epileptic deliverance because there are various level of oppression. 

Surface and likely rooted problem can be uprooted easily but deeply rooted problems will require deep prayers. Sometimes a second touch of Jesus is needed to put an end to deeply rooted problems.

Are you here and you’re experiencing the following:
1. Afflictions that are resistant to diagnosis shows you need deep deliverance. It means it’s not like it is at the surface.
2. Problems that defy confessions and the word of God.
3. Problems resisting normal deliverance prayers.
4. Sleeplessness without any cause show that deep deliverance is need.
5. Having unending nightmare to the point you’re afraid to sleep.
6. When you become an accident freak, deep deliverance is needed.
7. When a person is suffering from all kinds of terrible addictions, deep deliverance is needed.
8. Self destruction, deep deliverance is needed.
9. Decent madness. So many are moving. Around and dressed in 3p suit and pastoral collars, sometimes they are politicians, but really is mad and acidically crazy.
10. Consumption of sand, clay and charcoal. You’ll be very surprise that some people are in this category.
11. There are some situations called two spirits in a man. The same person is prophesying and that same person is having mad anger.
12. Some are sexual addict. They sleep with anything anywhere it’s a case of deep deliverance.
13. Uncontrollable anger.
14. Mental confusion, some are confused they don’t know who they are.
15. Hearing strange voices. Voices telling them to do strange things.
16. Some experience shadows in their room.
17. Long term pregnancies, disappearing pregnancies.
18. Some people have what we call personal rain.
19. Some feel that someone is throwing sand at them.
20. Some experience the rage of satanic bird.
21. Some suffer from unexplainable hatred, they’ve done nothing wrong but they’re hated.
22. Some people sleep-walk. They are sleeping but they are walking about.
23. Some suffer from spiritual dryness in-spite of all their spiritual exercises, they are still dry.
24. Some pays no attention to scriptural warning.
25. Some read the Bible to argue or find contradictions.
26. Unexplainable loss of memories. Trying and trying to get baptism of the Holy spit but no way.
27. Having abnormal thought about sex, blasphemy, cruelty, suicide, rape, death and persistent bombarding of vain thoughts.
28. Rebelling against any form of authority is evidence that deep deliverance is need.

Steps to take:

1. Surrender your life to Jesus.
2. Repent from every known sin.
3. Decide that enough is enough. Declare enough is enough and reject the situation before you. Unfortunately people who should do enough is enough are feeding the problem with worry. Worry is a magnet that attract bad condition. understand that the enemy is a thief. Worry is a thief takes what doesn’t belongs to him. If physical thieves hire lawyers, why do you think spiritual thieves are not clever?
4. Let the blood erase the legal ground the enemy has over you.
5. Forgive all those who have offended you.
6. Try and discover the ladder of the enemy in your life, find out why the enemy keeps troubling you. The legal right of the enemy is the ladder they have attached to you. For the enemy to leave you, you need to death with bitterness, unforgiving spirit reading dirty novels, wearing what you shouldn’t be wearing.
7. Deal with the strongman in charge of the trouble. When a strongman is attached to a situation, the problem becomes a deep and stubborn problem so that you can capture what he has stolen from you.

Prayer Rain:

Prayer session by Pastor Kehinde Adegbolahan:
1. Bad luck shall not be my portion in the name of Jesus.
Prayer session by Pastor A. Aladejola: I pursue, I overtake and I recover
2. Powers, personalities that says prayer and fasting will not solve my problems, you’re a liar; die in the name of Jesus.
3. Enemies shall not remove me from my place of blessing in the name of Jesus.
4. Anointing of all round breakthroughs, overshadow me now, fall upon me in the name of Jesus.
Prayers by Daddy G.O before ministration:
Pray this 7 prayers on your head, the more you love yourself; the harder you pray:
5. Power of the wicked over my breakthroughs, break in the name of Jesus.
6. Powers assigned to make my enemies rejoice over me, what are you waiting for: die in the name of Jesus.
7. Every strongman that has been swallowing my blessings before it get to me, Oh God arise, set them ablaze in the name of Jesus.
8. Every good thing that has been stolen from me since I was a child, I recover them now in the name of Jesus.
9. Lion of the tribe of Judah, arise, tear my wasters apart in the name of Jesus.
10. Oh God of new beginnings, I am available: begin new things in my life in the name of Jesus.
11. Where is the Lord God of Elijah, arise: silence my silencers in the name of Jesus.
12. Lay your right hand on your head: my head, this saith the Lord, arise and shine in the name of Jesus.
13. Lay your hands on your chest: Arrows fired against my heart, backfire in the name of Jesus.
After ministration Prayers by Daddy D.K Olukoya:
14. Arrows of wicked elders, I’m not your candidate: go back to your senders in the name of Jesus.
15. Curses/bondage on the head of my father, curses/bondage on the head of my mother, seeking for my own head; die in the name of Jesus.
16. Anything buried to affect my destiny, die in the name of Jesus.
17. Ancestral hands chasing away my deliverance, die in the name of Jesus.
18. Every evil hand doing evil against me, catch fire in the name of Jesus.
19. Stubborn reproaches, vacate the garden of my life in the name of Jesus.
Three very deep prayers:
20. Problem assigned to bury my destiny, die in the name of Jesus.
21. Any problem with deep root, catch fire in the name of Jesus.
22. Strongman assigned to any problem in my life, die in the name of Jesus.

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1. MFM January 2019 PMCH | Praises:

MFM January 2019 PMCH | Testimony:

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