Sunday, 1 January 2023


The General overseer of the mountain of fire and miracles ministries has released 30 prophetic picture for the year 2023 which is seen below:
While speaking at the cross over service he said;
Figure 23 in the bible means the idea of death and resurrection.

He also said,
This year contains 3 folds namely:
1. What does God wants to do this year
2. What does the power of darkenss want to do
3. What does God wants his people to do.

The prophecies for year 2023 is seen below;

The year 2023 is 
1. A year to wage very serious war Against the spirit of procrastination
2. A year where the flesh must be mutified to avoid trouble.
3. A year of recovery and turn around for many people
4. A year when God will humble the proud
5. A year where serious Prayers against violent revolution and over thrown are required
6. A year of strange war
7. A year to pray against strange attacks from the waters
8. A year where serious Prayers to destroy lack and famine
9. A year of divine judgement and wicked leaders and collaboration shall be destroyed
10. A year where God will break his silence to deal with Evil and wickedness ( According to Ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 11)
11. A year where a lot of uncompleted destiny project will be completed this year.
12. A year of psalms 23 ( that is, it's for those who rely in their God will boast in their God)
13. A year where believers should pray and break embargo
14. A year of disgrace, fakeness, hypocrite and powerless people will be destroyed
15. A year where the lord will dismantle mighty men who stand against the lord 
16. A year where the lord will fight like a mighty terrible one to deliver his children.
17. A year where it's extremely dangerous for the sheep to discard his Shepherd.
18. A year of judgment for those who convert the alters of prayers to the den of thieves.
19. A year of judgment for those who wickedly takes innocent blood.
20. A year of correction, confrontation and change
21. A year of joy for couples waiting patiently on the lord for babies.
22. A year of regret and judgement for ritual killers.
23. A year of tragedy for the youths who refuse to exhibit sexual control.
24. A year where testimonies will drive the people to the next level.
25. A year to form the habit of seeking and recovery help from heaven.
26. A year of psalms 23 and a year of isaiah 26
27. A year of that we must pray that the mercy of God will push back the judgment of God.
28. A year to Pray against the miscarriages of God will
29. A year to key into the book of isaiah
30. A year of comfort and glory.

Strategies for the year 2023
1. Always be sincere and authentic before God
2. Become a Prayer addict
3. Be involved in praise revival
4. Be quick to forgive
5. Be teachable
6. Be a giver
7. Guide your hearts with all diligence
8. The Believers need is the cover of the blood of jesus.
9. Pray for the grace to die to flesh daily
10. Pray that God ransome you from the power of the grave and death.

Individual Prayers for the year
1. I shall not be used as a sacrifice by the power of darkenss in the name of Jesus.
2. Vampire powers, hear the word of the lord, drink your own blood and eat your flesh in the name of Jesus.
3. Harvest must meet harvest in my life in the name of Jesus.
4. My father, by your ordained prophet, preserve me this year in the name of Jesus.
5. My father deliver me from every agenda of destiny swallowers.
6. The wickedness of the wicked expire in the name of Jesus.
7. O God arise and always over answer my prayers this year.
8. My body hear the word of the lord, reject infirmity in the name of Jesus.
9. Famine and barrenness of the soul, I'm not your candidate.
10. Let the resurrection power of Jesus overshadow and surround me this year in the name of Jesus.
11. I shall not die, but live to declare the works of the christ, the angel of death will not visit me in the name of Jesus.
12. The enemy will not castrate my voice this year in the name of Jesus.
13. The sun of my life shall not listen to the voice of witchcraft in the name of Jesus.
14. God shall make the right people to help me at the right time at the right place in the name of Jesus.

Prayers for nigeria
1. Every enemy of Peace in nigeria we bury you now.
2. By the power of the God of Elijah, terror just bury terror
3. O Glory of nigeria do not slumber, arise and shine.
4. O Prince of Peace reign in this country
5. Let the wickedness of the wicked programmed to trouble this nation expire
6. O God arise and give us God fearing leaders.
7. Lord pass through the land in violent anger and slat the wicked who has made convenant to destroy.


scriptural backing is taken from the book of, Romans chapter 8 verse 19 also from the book of psalms chapter 92 verse 10, and from the book of Psalms chapter 84:7, and Also from the book of 2nd corinthians chapter 3 verse 18

Watch the video prophecy below

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